Rug Care

Care & Maintenance

Rug Placement
Where you place your rug will have an effect on the longevity and look of the rug over time. Exposure to direct sunlight may result in colour fading. Rugs placed in daylight areas must be turned often.

It is advisable to periodically rotate your rug to ensure this process is even. 

When placing your furniture on top of a rug, lightly set it down and then move it slightly in the direction of the pile at least once a week.

Light Vacuum clean regularly 

Do not keep your rugs in damp or wet areas, as mould will appear on your rug.

Keep away from water/moisture because smell/odour may occur.
lease keep away from sharp objects, hot surfaces, open fire places and excess moisture.

For the initial weeks, shedding and sprouting of material fibre may be observed. This is normal and the nature of the product will reduce with time & usage.

Roll the rug with the front side inwards.

Deep colours may have a tendency to stain light surfaces especially if wet, please ensure dry usage and a rug underlay is recommended.

Occasionally an odour might be experienced with a new rug, this will disperse quickly once aired.

Do not pull the loose ends or else cut these with Scissors. Since this is a Hand-Weave Rug, you may observe some protruding yarns after usage of a couple of weeks and this is not a DEFECT else intrinsic property of such Woven Rugs.

How to remove stains

The best way to remove any stain is to treat it immediately. In the case of liquids, first place an absorbent unprinted paper cloth or even better a moist cotton cloth on the stain. Subsequently, dab the affected area with a moist undyed cotton cloth. Please do not rub with a circular movement while applying pressure.

Hang the rug to dry in a shaded area.

In the case of coarse dirt such as soil first let the dirt dry and then remove it with a vacuum cleaner. If the stain persists, we recommend that you contact a specialist carpet cleaner.

Care by Material

Wool – Pilling/shedding is a natural characteristic of rugs that contain wool. Vacuum as necessary and rug rotation is recommended. Avoid pulling fibres from the surface pile and trim excess fibres back to the surface pile. Clean spills immediately by blotting (not rubbing) with a clean sponge or cloth.

Natural fibres – Sisal, jute, and hemp rugs will change over time especially when exposed to sunlight. Regular vacuuming is the best care you can do to keep the fresh appearance of your natural fibre. Visible and loose dirt should be vacuumed with a strong brush-suction vacuum. Do not use the beater bar on these rugs. Natural fibre never has the same appearance after it has come in contact with moisture/spills. Please contact a rug cleaning specialist for the best cleaning result.